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Welcome to the Resources Blogosphere!

Here, we publish articles on career, education, and research resources in three different categories - edited by our student editorial members - in the hope that they can be helpful to they hydrology community, in particular to students and early-career scientists. Our blog posts are categorized into (1) Professional Development, (2)  Policy,  and (3) Student Resources. Professional development posts provide links to our previously hosted webinar series. In our Policy  category we introduce information related to the science-policy-stakeholder issues. Finally, Student Resources posts contain links to various hydrology courses, materials, and modules that could be beneficial to both students and early-career scientists.


We encourage you to comment on any article to promote productive conversations. Our editorial staff reserve the right to remove any disrespectful or harmful comments to ensure a positive experience for all.


If you want to contribute as an author, please contact us, and we will help you craft your post. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Let's make this the go-to space for students and early career hydrologists, together.

First time attending the AGU Fall Meeting in 2023? Check out this document for more information!

Professional Development

Previous webinars and other PD related material


Student Resources

Courses, materials, and modules for student and early-career scientists


Science Policy

Science-Policy-Stakeholder issues and resources



An entire page of JEDI resources

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