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Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion resources to inspire change in the hydrology community


Updated: May 2, 2023

In October 2020, AGU-H3S published a white paper calling on the Hydrology Section leaderships and all community members to work together to make actionable changes towards a more equitable, diverse, inclusive, and just community. In addition to this effort, we collected a list of various resources on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion to increase the opportunity of educating ourselves and tackle the lack of knowledge about JEDI issues and efforts in geosciences. While not comprehensive, we hope that this list helps each one of us turn our attention to the tragedy of institutional racism, echo the actions and efforts that are needed for real and lasting change. We will continue to update this living post and welcome your feedback on other great resources to include. If you have any suggested resources, contact us here.

AGU and the Hydrology Section

  1. AGU commits to 8 action areas to combat systemic racism (link), an AGU From the Prow Feature (2020)

  2. AGU diversity and inclusion strategic plan (link), (2018)

  3. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the AGU Hydrology Community (link), an AGU-H3S White Paper (2020)

Social Media

  1. Twitter: @BlackinGeoscience (link)

  2. Twitter: #BlackInTheIvory (link) — Read the story behind the hashtag here

  3. Twitter: @DIG (link) — This is a student-led initiative & class @StanfordEarth aiming to foster actions & discussions to advance #JDEI in the Geosciences)

  4. Twitter: #DisabledInSTEM (link) — Read about researchers and students experiences

  5. Twitter: #BlackWomenInSTEM (link) — Read about researchers and students experiences

  6. Twitter: #WomenInSTEM (link) — Read about researchers and students experiences

  7. Twitter: @DisInHigherEd (link)

  8. Twitter: #AcademicAbleism (link) — Read about ableism in academia

  9. Twitter: @GeoLatinas (link)


The following datasets are created and moderated to celebrate diverse geoscience researchers and facilitate nominations and recruitment of researchers for awards, leadership positions, and paid positions.

  1. WaterPOC Database (link)

  2. Geoscientist of Color Dataset (link)

  3. Diverse Speakers in STEM (link)

  4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Earth & Planetary Science: Article Library (Zotero) (link)

Blog Posts

Read and learn about the lived experience of your diverse colleagues and how you can help support them.

  1. AGU Hydrology Section JEDI Efforts and White Paper by H3S (link), an outline of steps AGU Hydrology Section is taking to promote diversity, inclusion, and equity within the section (2020).

  2. Young hydrologic society stands against racism (link), a YHS Call for Challenge (2020)

  3. What black scientists want from colleagues and their institutions (link), a Nature Career Feature (2020)

  4. Ten steps to protect BIPOC scholars in the field (link), an EOS Opinion Article (2020)

  5. The things I wish I could say (link), a Science Working Life Article (2020)

  6. The Rothfels Lab stands against racism everywhere (link), a Rothfels Lab Blog Post (2020)

  7. Geoscience commits to racial justice. Now we’ve got work to do (link), an EOS Geohealth News (2020)

  8. Scientists push against barriers to diversity in the field sciences (link), a Science Career Feature (2020)

  9. Shining a spotlight on LGBTQ+ visibility in STEM (link), an EOS News (2019)

  10. Why diversity matters to AGU (link), an EOS News (2019)

  11. Creating spaces for geoscientists with disabilities to thrive (link), an EOS Opinion Article (2019)

  12. Promoting racial diversity in geoscience through transparency (link), an EOS Opinion Article (2019)

  13. Understanding our environment requires an indigenous worldview (link), an EOS Opinion Article (2019)

  14. Statement on the importance of ending all-male speaking panels (link), an NCAR & UCAR News (2019)

  15. What’s it like to be black in academia? (link), an EGU Blog Post (2019)

  16. These labs are remarkably diverse — here’s why they’re winning at science (link), a Nature News Feature (2018)

  17. Science benefits from diversity (link), a Nature Editorial (2018)

  18. What does it take to make an institution more diverse? (link), a Nature Career Feature (2018)

  19. Why don’t the geosciences have more diversity? (link), a Scientific American Voices (2018)

  20. Gender bias found in Earth-science society journals (link), Nature News (2016)

  21. Working Toward Gender Parity in the Geosciences (link), AGU News (2015)

  22. Diversity makes better science (link), an APS Observer Presidential Column (2012)

  23. Water Researchers of Color experts in their fields (link), EGU Hydrological Sciences Section (2020)


  1. A call to action for an anti-racist community from geosciences of color (link), a Letter Originated from Academics of Color in the Geosciences (2020)

  2. Call for a robust anti-racism plan for the geosciences (link), (2020)

Academic/Scientific Publications

Bolster your understanding with these publications and learn about how you can help improve your local community and the geoscience community as a whole.

  1. Race and racism in the geosciences (link), a Nature Geoscience Article (2020)

  2. The diversity–innovation paradox in science (link), a PNAS Research Article (2020)

  3. Black Lives Matter in ecology and evolution, (link), a Nature Ecology & Evolution Editorial Article (2020)

  4. Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab (link), a PLOS Computational Biology Article (2020)

  5. Recreating Wakanda by promoting Black excellence in ecology and evolution (link), a Nature Ecology & Evolution Comment (2020)

  6. Hostile climates are barriers to diversifying the geosciences (link) an Advances in Geosciences Article (2020)

  7. Disability inclusion enhances science (link), a Science Letter (2019)

  8. Women from some under-represented minorities are given too few talks at world’s largest Earth-science conference (link), a Nature Comment (2019)

  9. Applying an intersectionality lens to expand equity in the geosciences (link), a Journal of Geoscience Education Commentary (2019)

  10. A global survey on the perceptions and impacts of gender inequality in the earth and space sciences (link), an Earth and Space Science Research Article (2019)

  11. No progress on diversity in 40 years (link), a Nature Geoscience Comment (2018)

  12. Diversity in geoscience: Participation, behaviour, and the division of scientific labour at a Canadian geoscience conference (link), a FACETS Article (2018)

  13. Indigenous water justice (link), a Lewis & Clark Law Rev Article (2018)

  14. Facing the diversity crisis in climate science (link), a Nature Climate Change Commentary (2014)

  15. Gender imbalance in US geoscience academia (link), a Nature Geoscience Feature Article (2008)

  16. Disrupting the ‘whiteness’ of fieldwork in geography (link), A Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Article (2006)

Land Acknowledgments

Land acknowledgement is a way to recognize traditional territory and the history of colonialism. We encourage you to recite land acknowledgment and existing land or treaty rights of the location you live or study at the start of your presentations and lectures. Read more about their importance and find whose land you occupy.

  1. A guide to indigenous land acknowledgments (link), A Native Governance Center News (2019)

  2. Native-Land Territory and Treaty Database (link), See whose traditional land you are currently occupying

Media—movies, podcasts, and books

Lectures and movies

  1. There’s Something in the Water (stream it on Netflix): Documentary examining of environmental racism in Nova Scotia, Canada


  1. Women in the Geosciences: Practical, Positive Practices Toward Parity (link), an AGU book (2015). You can find an interview with the author here

  2. Planetwalk (link): A story about an African-American man’s protest against pollution and loss of habitat journey and protest against

By Irene Garousi-Nejd, Utah State University

and Danyka Byrnes, University of Waterloo

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