Tags: Historical, Streamflow, Watershed Characteristics
Name of Dataset: Geospatial Attributes of Gages for Evaluating Streamflow (GAGES-II)
Spatial Extent: United States (including AK, HI, Puerto Rico)
Type: Point
Temporal: Historical
What is Included?: lat/lon of streamflow gages as well as a myriad of watershed and climate characteristics.
Description: The GAGES-II dataset contains a spreadsheet of 9,322 (reference and non-reference) sites in the United States. This spreadsheet also includes information about the watersheds, including LULC, soil characteristics, channel modifications, and a variety of other information. A second spreadsheet describes the variables and their sources in detail. It should be noted that the streamflow data for the gages needs to be downloaded separately from the GAGES-II spreadsheet(s).
Link: https://water.usgs.gov/GIS/metadata/usgswrd/XML/gagesII_Sept2011.xml
Citation: Falcone, J. A. (2011). GAGES-II: Geospatial attributes of gages for evaluating streamflow. US Geological Survey.
