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AGU Hydrology Section Call to Action for a Just, Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Scientific Societ


Updated: May 2, 2023

This year, scientists in geoscience have been called to action by their peers to create an equitable society for all members. To this end, we, the AGU Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (AGU H3S) members, are working with the AGU Hydrology Section leadership and the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board members to set forth a series of goals and tasks outlined in a white paper. The white paper has short term and long term goals, built upon and informed by previous work done by the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board and the greater community (Ex. AGU DI Strategic Plan and Anti Racism Action Plan). Our plan aims to make actionable changes towards a more equitable, diverse, inclusive, and just community. We invite you to comment on this living document and provide feedback if you believe we missed an opportunity.

Read the white paper here.

Comment or provide feedback here.

To sustain the effort for years to come, we will be holding regular meetings for the community to celebrate achievements, discuss progress and opportunities, and add to the goals through an open forum and online surveys. The first meeting will be held as a town hall at the 2020 AGU Fall Meeting on December 1st at 10 am ET. We invite all AGU members to join our town hall to provide feedback on the plan described in the white paper.

While these efforts have been spearheaded by the AGU-H3S, following this document’s publication, the AGU Hydrology Section will be forming a standing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee to drive efforts. More information about the Hydrology Section DEI committee will be available shortly.

AGU-H3S JEDI Team Members:

Caitlyn Hall, Arizona State University

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