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Tags: Raster, Tile Drainage, Historical

Name of Dataset: AgTile-US

Spatial Extent: CONUS

Type: Raster

Temporal: Data used for dataset creation is primarily 2016-2017 data.

Description: AgTile-US is a 30-m resolution dataset that shows whether or not tile drainage has been modeled to be present across CONUS. Inputs for this dataset are USDA 2017 Census of Agriculture county-level tile drainage information, NLCD 2016 cropland, SSURGO soil drainage category, and SRTM slope. The dataset was found to have an accuracy of 82.7-93.6% in cross-referenced areas of the Upper Midwest.

Link to the data:

Valayamkunnath, P., Barlage, M., Chen, F. et al. Mapping of 30-meter resolution tile-drained croplands using a geospatial modeling approach. Sci Data 7, 257 (2020).

Citation: Valayamkunnath, P., Barlage, M., Chen, F. et al. Mapping of 30-meter resolution tile-drained croplands using a geospatial modeling approach. Sci Data 7, 257 (2020).

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