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Town Halls at AGU Fall Meeting Hosted by H3S


The Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S) is excited to announce that we are hosting four Town Halls at AGU Fall Meeting this December. Our Town Halls cover a wide range of topics including networking, DEI, social media, and Hydrology Section priorities. All are welcome to attend these Town Halls and many will be held both in-person and virtually. Information about accessing them virtually can be found on AGU Scientific Program. Below we provide a short summary of each Town Hall including panelists, when and where, and link to add it to your AGU Schedule. Hope to see you there!


TH13L: Building Your Network: Collaborating as an Early-Career Hydrologist

When: Monday Dec 13, 2021 from 11:15 to 12:15 CST

Where: Convention Center, Room 398-399

What: Are you an early-career scientist looking for opportunities to connect and build collaboration with other peers? There is a growing need for collaborative research in addressing global hydrological challenges that is not always fulfilled due to barriers such as time and space for collaboration. This Town Hall, organized by the AGU Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (AGU-H3S) and the AGU Precipitation Students and Early career Scientists (ECSprecip) sub-committee, aims to overcome these barriers by creating a space where early-career scientists will be able to connect, share their research interests, and find a common ground for future collaboration. This Town Hall is also for those who would like to learn tips and tricks on successful collaboration from the domain experts. The town hall starts with a panel that reflects different career paths within hydrology. The panelists represent industry, academia, research institutes, and will share their experiences on building and maintaining their collaborative network. The floor is open for questions after a short introductory round. After the Panel, participants will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and discuss ideas in small groups that will rotate every 10-15 minutes.

Panelists: Dr. Efi Foufoula-Georgiou, University of California Irvine; Dr. Wendy Kordesh, National Oceanography Centre; Dr. Margaret A Zimmer, University of California Santa Cruz; Dr. Zac Flamig, Amazon Web Services

Who should attend: Early career scientists and researchers, hydrology section students, and anyone that wants tips on successful collaborations.


TH13C: Finding Your Place for Change: How and Where to Take an Active Role in DEI Initiatives as Early-Career Researchers and Students

When: Monday, December 13, 11:15-12:15 CST

Where: Convention Center, Room 348-349

What: Conversations aimed at addressing inequity and the lack of diversity in geosciences are taking place across many different organizational levels. These important conversations often focus on addressing systemic change at institutional levels. However, these conversations have left many students and early career researchers (SECR), who are in temporary positions with minimal influence, questioning what part they can take in initiatives that shift the geosciences towards a space that fosters accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (AJEDI). In this town hall, our invited panelists will discuss successful projects from their experience and share different approaches SECR can take within their area of influence. The conversation can help shape the future of the academy and delineate multiple paths to support leaps of change within their communities. This session is open to all community members, especially students, and will involve questions from the audience to highlight opportunities and challenges specific to SECR.

Panelists: Dr. Julia Cisneros, Texas A&M University, UT Austin, and Texas Tech University; Dr. Estella A. Atekwana, University of California Davis; Dr. Raquel Bryant, Texas A&M University; Julia Andreasen, University of Minnesota

Who should attend: Students and Early Career Researchers from ALL sections, anyone who wants to take an active role in DEI Initiatives


TH15E: Twitter in the Sciences

When: Monday, Dec 13, 2021

Where: Convention Center, Room 325

What: Whether you are an early career scientist or are well established in your field, social media can be used to share your important research to a wide audience. It can also help you educate the public, inform policy, develop collaborations, and get your work cited. Twitter is a social media platform of choice for many academics. This town hall will feature a diverse panel of academic Twitter users at different levels of their careers as they discuss the successes and failures of social media outreach. Members of all AGU sections are encouraged to attend and interact with the panelists. Our goal is that you will leave the town hall with a better understanding of how to share your research using social media and maybe some new online contacts! We will ask panelists questions like “How do you get your name out there?” “Where do you draw the line for tweeting political content?” “How do you advertise yourself to potential employers or employees?” and “How do you get people to come to your AGU talks?” You do not want to miss this event!

Panelists: Paige Becker, Indiana University Bloomington; Dr. Nandita Basu, University of Waterloo; Dr. Joshua Bregy, Indiana University Bloomington; Dr. Nicole Gasparini, Tulane University; Dr. Rebecca Barnes, Colorado College

Who should attend: All career stages of all sections. Anyone interested in improving their social media skills for science or wanting to get started.


TH23G: Coming Together After Being Apart: A Cross-Career Stage Conversation About AGU Hydrology Section Goals and Initiatives

When: Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021 11:15-12:15 CST

Where: Convention Center, Room 356-357

What: With busy schedules made busier by the challenges posed by Covid-19, there is little time to come together as a Hydrology Section to reflect on community needs, wants, struggles, and progress. This town hall is aimed to provide an opportunity for section leadership and membership of all career stages to come together to discuss past, present, and future Section initiatives. Topics of discussion will include year-round community involvement with AGU; initiatives proposed by membership across career stages (e.g., how can the Hydrology Section better support you?); accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (AJEDI) initiatives and what has been done since last year’s town hall (e.g., early career engagement, success, and award equity and demographics). We encourage all Hydrology Section members to join and help steer short- and long-term Section goals and initiatives.

Panelists: Dr. Ana Barros, Hydrology Section President; Scott Tyler, Past President; Dr. John Selker, Hydrology Section President-Elect; Dr. Shirley Papuga, Hydrology Section Secretary; Dr. Thushara Gunda, Hydrology Section DEI Committee Member; Dan Myers, H3S Chair-Elect

Who should attend: All members of the Hydrology Section are welcome and encouraged to attend.

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