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Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion resources to inspire change in the hydrology community


Updated: May 2, 2023

Networking and Mentorship Programs

Networking and Mentorship Programs



HyperlinkAlaska Native Science & Engineering Programrace/ethnicity (Alaska Native)US Indian Science and Engineering Societyrace/ethnicity (American Indian)US Americans and Pacific Islanders in Geosciencesrace/ethnicity (Asian, Pacific Islander)US-based but welcomes all community members who identify as Asian American and/or Pacific Islander Science Women’s Networkgender (women)International (currently chapters in US, UK and Canada but hoping to expand) Association of Black Geoscientistsrace/ethnicity (Black)US (LatinX, Native Americans)US Women Scientistsgender (women)International Women Scientists Podsgender (women)International (all options)International Sciences Mentor MatchIdentity (all options)US (can support students applying to North American universities more broadly) Association for Geoscience DiversitydisabledInternational Queer ScientistsLGBTQIA+International of Latinxs/Hispanics in Earth and Space Sciencesrace/ethnicity (LatinX)US (LatinX) and gender (women) for Accessibility in SpacedisabledInternational in Science and Engineeringrace/ethnicity (LatinX)US in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related SciencesIdentity (all options)US of Wetland Scientists Multicultural Mentoring Program (Black) and gender (women) Association for Hispanics in Higher Education, Inc. Graduate Student Fellows Programrace/ethnicity (LatinX) Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) ProgramIdentity (all options)US Education and Mentorship SupportIdentity (all options)ífico Latinorace/ethnicity (LatinX)ífico Latino Graduate Student Mentorship Initiativerace/ethnicity (LatinX) for Freshwater Science Instars and Emerge Diversity and Mentoring Programsrace/ethnicity (all options); underrepresented groupsUS

Fellowships, Scholarships and Programs

Fellowships, Scholarships and Programs



HyperlinkList of Paid Summer Research Opportunities for Undocumented Students (compiled by Dr. Matthew Cover)Identity (undocumented students) Fellowships and Internshipsrace/ethnicity (all options)US Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP)US Foundation Fellowship ProgramsUS Scholars Programlow-income, first generationUS NSF Applicant and WinnersUS and Vanier (Canada)Canada Fellowships for Women Scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countriesgender (women)science and technology lagging countries Association of University Women Fellowshipgender (women)US Women Scientists Fellowship for the Futuregender (women) Entry Point ProgramdisabledUS’Oreal USA for Women in Science Fellowship gender (women)US Fellowships for STEM DiversityUS Bacon-Bercey Scholarship in Atmospheric Sciences for Womengender (women) Scholarship Fundrace/ethnicity (LatinX)US Evelyn Wallace Scholarshipgender (women)US Science Program - DS4A Empowermentrace/ethnicity (LatinX, Black), LGBTQIA+ Student Pathways Scholarshipdisabled Expanding Representation in Geosciences Scholarshiprace/ethnicity (all options)US, Canada, Mexico to Innovate ScholarshipsLGBTQIA+ Indian College Fundrace/ethnicity (Native American) For Hergender (women) Aid, Scholarships, and Programs Aimed at Womengender (women) ScholarshipsLGBTQIA+US Conferences & Events in 2021some of them in the list: gender (women)US American Fish and Wildlife Society Scholarships Race/ethnicity (Native American)US Climate Protection Fellowshipcitizens of non-European developing or transition countries for the Future fellowshipsGender (women)Developing and emerging economies

Local Resources

Local Resources



State / University

HyperlinkColumbus Urban LeagueUSOhio, Columbus State RocksUSOhio State of California WVUUSWest Virginia University Virginia University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign Youth in Science and Engineering ProgramUSUniversity of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign Open HouseUSUniversity of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign in Engineeringgender (women)USUniversity of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign of Women Engineersgender (women)USUniversity of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign ProgramUSUniversity of North Carolina Chapel Hill (women, non-binary); first generationUSUniversity of North Carolina Chapel Hill

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