Tags: Climate, Historical
Name: gridMET
Type: Gridded (netcdf)
Spatial Extent: CONUS
Time Period: 1979 – present
What is Included?: Latitude and longitude and many variables that include precipitation, ETo, and VPD.
Description: gridMET is a gridded climate dataset (netcdf format) that covers CONUS. The dataset consists of several primary variables (precipitation, solar radiation, VPD, etc.) with others (ETo, etc.) that are calculated from them. This dataset provides historical climate inputs for models and statistical anlyses, which are useful for a variety of fields of study.
Link: https://www.climatologylab.org/gridmet.html
Abatzoglou, J. T. (2013), Development of gridded surface meteorological data for ecological
applications and modelling. Int. J. Climatol., 33: 121–131.
